Fungal diseases can affect various tissues of the body, including internal organs. If the disease has affected the nail, it is called onychomycosis. Its appearance is caused by fungal microorganisms.
They are divided into several genera: candida, moldy fungi, dermatophytes. Parasites literally feed on the nail plate, which leads to its early destruction. Mycosis itself does not go away. This is possible only with the most powerful work of the immune system and the first stage of the disease, when symptoms are not visible. If signs of illness appear, you can be sure they won't go anywhere without therapy.

Reasons for the appearance
Fungal microorganisms belong to the class of irritants. They are extremely persistent. They quickly penetrate into tissues, adapt to various conditions. This is due to the complexity of the treatment of the disease. If you use the same drug for a long time, the parasites may stop responding to it.
The only reason for the appearance of the disease is the entry of fungi on the nail plate. However, there are factors that favor its early introduction inside and subsequent reproduction. Microorganisms are more likely to penetrate tissues if they have calluses. Even dry skin can lead to microcracks, through which fungi can easily penetrate. The microorganism "loves" wet conditions, and therefore actively spreads in people who prefer narrow shoes made of poor materials that do not let air through.
Often, the toenail fungus on the big toe occurs against the background of various pathologies:
- Endocrine diseases;
- Psoriasis;
- Varicose veins;
- Vascular disorders;
- HIV and AIDS;
- Problems with metabolic processes;
- Eczema;
- Dermatitis;
- Infectious processes of the skin.
Fungal microorganisms can enter the plate in the following ways:
- Contact with a carrier of infection;
- Visit public baths, saunas, showers;
- Wearing other people's slippers (for example, to a party)
- Living with a person with mycosis
- Try on the shoes;
- Use non-disinfected pedicure tools;
- Visit the beauty salons.
The factors that provoke the appearance of mycosis are also:
- Lack of adequate personal hygiene;
- Preference for synthetic items;
- Wear tight shoes that do not allow the skin to "breathe";
- Excessive obesity;
- Frequent consumption of alcohol;
- Elderly age.
The disease will have more noticeable manifestations if a person has circulatory disorders in the foot area. In addition, a change in the acid balance observed when taking antibiotics can lead to pathological processes.
Stages of the disease
The surface under the nails is very conducive to the growth of fungal microorganisms. It contains many nutrients that parasites feed on. Gradually, due to the effects of bacteria, the destruction of the nail plate occurs. Voids begin to form, in which the mycelium of the fungus multiplies. There are the following stages of the disease:
- Initial.It refers to the type of normotrophic damage. The main damage hits the center or edge of the plate. Spots and streaks appear, which gradually begin to grow;
- Average.Represents hypertrophic changes. This stage is characterized by thickening of the nail, a change in its structure, direction of growth. The pathological processes gradually spread throughout the plate;
- Dystrophy stage.To the listed processes, inflammation in the area of the nail fold is added. Pus discharge is possible. The lesion reaches the nearby skin. Further bacterial infections accelerate the destruction of the nail. It begins to crumble, it can flake off the nail bed.
At first, the symptoms are insignificant and therefore people often take the disease lightly. However, it is progressing rapidly. Very soon, the spots that have arisen will begin to grow. The disease can spread from the thumb to others.
If only the thumbnail is affected, it is usually mild to moderate. Therapy should be done immediately.

Symptoms vary greatly depending on the stage of the disease. At first, the signs of a threat are almost impossible to notice. With the development of the disease, the following symptoms can be observed:
- Slight itching;
- Redness in the thumb area
- Burning sensation.
But the pathological process does not stop. Its growth can be judged by the following characteristics:
- Brittle plate, loss of natural luster;
- Acquisition of a yellow, blue or green tint (depending on the type of fungal microorganisms that affected the nail);
- Pronounced spots and streaks appear;
- The nail grows with its corners in the roller, which is evidence of the deformation of its growth.
In the advanced stages, the following symptoms are likely:
- Pain syndrome when walking;
- The appearance of swelling of the finger, its significant redness;
- Discharge of pus from under the edges.
The signs of toenail fungus can vary depending on the type of fungus causing the infection. For example, if it is a question of moldy mushrooms, the disease will be very pronounced. The nail can literally turn black. There is swelling, the appearance of silvery scales, yellow edges. The plate begins to move away from the bed, which causes severe discomfort. However, in 95% of cases, the cause of the infection is dermatophytes. They are characterized by a relatively moderate course of the disease.
The disease affects not only the nail, but the whole body. This is due to the fact that toxins enter the lymphatic channels. This causes the following changes:
- Allergic reactions, the appearance of skin rashes;
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Signs of intoxication.
If nothing is done with the advanced stage of mycosis, the lesion can spread to internal organs. This is extremely dangerous.
How is the treatment carried out?
How to cure toenail fungus? Pathogenic microorganisms are distinguished by enviable resistance to various influences. They quickly take root inside and begin to actively multiply. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out full-fledged antifungal therapy. Includes:
- Use of local funds. It can be ointments, drops, medicated paints, solutions. They are needed to defeat the disease on a superficial level. Local remedies include varnish, serum;
- Systemic drugs. They are used for significant injuries of the nail plate. Tablets are used daily. Pulse therapy is effective. It consists in taking short-term medications with a long break from them. Then the course is repeated. It should be borne in mind that pills cannot be taken in all cases. Do not use them in the initial stage of the disease. These funds are quite powerful and therefore have contraindications: pregnancy, childhood, kidney failure, intolerance to the components.
The disease is often accompanied by bacterial complications. You can also be safe from them. Antifungal paint is perfect for this purpose. It creates a film on the surface of the dish through which bacteria do not penetrate.
In addition, it is necessary to stimulate the defensive goals of the body, which will be directed to fight infections. For this, vitamin complexes, immunomodulatory drugs are used.
Most medicines have a cumulative effect. It is not enough to take them once and forget about the therapy. Full course required.
It does not end even if all the symptoms have disappeared. Active substances accumulate in the integument and continue to act even after the end of taking the drug.
Another additional procedure is nail removal. Relevant for strong pathological processes. Removal can be done using special products containing urea. If the plate is stiff, it will take several steps to remove it completely. Removal should not be feared, as it is painless. After removal, it is necessary to treat the surface with antiseptics. Removal is convenient because, after it, local remedies can be applied directly to the nail bed. This greatly improves their efficiency.

Traditional methods
Folk remedies cannot replace medicines. But they are suitable for further help. The following components help from the fungus:
- Iodine.The affected area should be lubricated with iodine twice a day. If there is a burning sensation, it is necessary to remove all excess and reduce the dosage;
- Lemon.A slice of lemon is applied to the affected area, after which it is fixed with a bandage. Cellophane is put on top;
- Hydrogen peroxide.A cotton swab is moistened with hydrogen peroxide, after which it is fixed on the nail for 30 minutes. Those softened areas can be removed.
After all these procedures, treatment with topical antimicrobial agents is desirable.
Preventive measures
It is important to observe preventive measures not only for a person who does not want to be infected with mycosis. They are essential for people who have just gotten rid of the disease. Prevention consists of the following rules:
- Respect for personal hygiene;
- Daily foot bath;
- Foot lubrication with moisturizing creams, pedicures;
- Use of personal slippers;
- Nail treatment with prophylactic agents before visiting baths, showers. You can replace the special product with lemon juice.
Prevention measures for people who have recently had mycosis are even more stringent:
- Use a local remedy for mushrooms once a week;
- Regular use of warm foot baths with the addition of sea salt;
- Treatment of shoes with antifungal compounds;
- Hot socks, in which there is a complete destruction of microorganisms;
- You should keep taking vitamins;
- The bathroom surface is disinfected. It is advisable to treat all other surfaces in the house as well.
Prevention with a high degree of probability protects against mycosis. You just need to monitor the status of your feet. If unclear signs reappear, consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication is not recommended, as mycosis is easily confused with other problems. In this case, the wrong treatment will be chosen and the disease will continue to progress. All this is fraught with big problems in the future. Reception of systemic funds, without fail, is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.